Garlean Medicus

Nos summus manus, Nos sumus deus.

We are the Hand, We are the God.


Beyhild mal Cotter is a Garlean that tends to have a mixed view on life. Though she is for the Empire she can be a bit more understanding then most of her own kind. The woman can be sweet and caring but at the flip of a coin she can easily become commanding and malicious. She isn’t afraid to do what she needs to so long as it helps the growth of Garlemald.Her duty is her life and thus so is her country. Many are taught to seek what benefits Garlemald and she is no different. She is a Legionary Medicus for the IXth Legion or also referenced as the ninth cohort. Her work is her life as she is the head of medical for the cohort and ensures that all Legionaries are fit for duty. She is a beneficial asset to the Legion and ensures that won’t change.She has a hushed tone when she speaks and tends to be professional in her mannerisms. Poised and proper, she is well versed in her vocabulary and enunciates with no hint of a Garlean accent. Beyhild can be very deceiving and is commonly made to be a face of the Legion to be more relatable and understood. She enjoys being that deceptive butterfly.Brute and bluntness are something she admires, a more respectable way of living. She prefers that she hears the truth from the start instead of pussy footing around it. One may find that Beyhild will be forward and apologetic at the same time, perhaps a set of traits she picked up from being around Eorzeans.

Race: Hyur - Highlander
Age: 29
Alignment: Neutral
Body Type: Chubby
Eye Colour: Blue
Gender: Female
Guardian Deity: None
Hair Colour: Blonde
Height / Weight: 5 fulms 4 ilms / 150 ponze
Homeland: Garlemald
Marital Status: Seeing Someone
Aetherical Capabilities: None
Occupation: Cohort Medicus of the Bloody Ninth
Orientation: Straight
Server: Balmung

Things to Note

• Always uses her Alias
• She will usually not approach someone first.
• Her duty is her life - For the Empire.
• Never seen alone.
• Wary and un-trusting of others that are not of Garlemald.
Do note that just because she is Garlean does not mean she does not try to keep her identity sealed. She looks Eorzean.

About The Player

• I'm a Para-poster / Novella. I enjoy medium to heavy role play scenes that are detailed and fun to read.
• I am very lore friendly and a bit strict with lore.
• I play mainly on Balmung. I am also open to Discord Role play Scenes.
• I operate on an MST Schedule / EST Schedule.
• I am open to Dark and Mature role play. Only if the scenes call for it.
• Long term role play.
• Someone who won't blur the IC and OOC lines of role play.


There is a lot of hidden history encrypted into the past of this Medicus, her work is unknown prior to her cohort. With reason, no one truly knows of her past unless they are either to worm it from her or earn her trust. She keeps her past hidden for a multitude of reasons, one being fear. To her, this fear is of either reliving it or facing the true consequences for her actions.Along with such, Beyhild is well versed in fibbing and keeping her identity on the low end of things. This allows her to make tracks and leave no true trace to the source.

the IXth cohort

Beyhild was conditioned to be apart of the Bloody Ninth a long while back, allowing her ample of time to be molded into this perfect image of Garlean Pride. She spent several years with the Cohort in bettering her behavior and mannerisms before she was considered a valued asset int he Empires eyes. From there she worked her way through the ranks with dedication, research contributions, and other viable variables to earn her both her Citizenship and title of Mal.Though, the cohort has now disbanded, she continues to work toward bettering Garlemald by keeping behind enemy lines and in contact with other Legions and Cohorts that are both in Eorzea and behind the wall.

Roleplay Hooks

• Other Garleans
• Medical Roleplay
• Information Gathering
• Villainess Plotlines
• Events / FC Events

Things to Note

• Beyhild does not indulge in random violent acts. It’s barbaric to do so.
• She will not openly admit to being Garlean as it defeats the purpose of laying low.

Screenshots and Art

Art of Beyhild Cotter done by

Ishgardian Priest